High Quality Early Learning & Child Care

Toddler 1 classroom 

(1 year old)  

Our one-year-old schedule includes:

  • prayer
  • morning and afternoon activities and playtime
  • Circle Time and Arts & Crafts
  • a variety of experiences including songs, finger plays, and story time
  • a safe environment both indoor and outdoor to promote learning
  • encouraging communication through language and literary activities

Toddler 2 classroom 

(2 years old)

Our two-year-old classroom is designed to:

  • promote literary and language development through story time, music, and movement
  • provide morning and afternoon activities and playtime to increase social interaction
  • encourage outdoor play and exploration while increasing physical development
  • gain knowledge of the alphabet and numerals using creative activities during Circle Time
  • develop art skills and appreciation during arts and craft activities


We are committed to providing a developmentally-appropriate program. At this age, children are meeting new challenges as fast as they come. Crawling, walking and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye. Our classrooms are learning environments that provide children with hands-on experiences that help them learn and grow.  A parental daily report is given to update each family on meals, nap times, and diaper changings/toilet training each day.

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